All new cars on the market have car alarms built in to the car to act as a deterrent against theft. But because thieves expect a car to have an alarm it might not be as big as a deterrent as you might think. Although there are a lot of amateur thieves that would not be able to steal a car without the alarm going off, so maybe car alarms might be worth having after all. What the alarm is supposed to do is to alert people nearby so that they may report the theft. How many of us actually respond to a car alarm? This can be compared to a house alarm where they are largely ignored. When alarms came on the market first they would have been very effective but like everything as they have gotten more common they are becoming less effective.
Maybe they would be more effective if we had fewer false alarms so that when people actually heard an alarm they knew that something had to be done. However the reality is if you are going about your daily life and you hear a house alarm or a car alarm there is a very high probability that it is a false alarm. We have to ask why this is this especially in an age where technology is such advanced. Why can we not make an alarm system that is more robust and yet effective against intrusion? Is it a cost factor or can it be done? Imagine if you lived in a world that if you heard an alarm going off it was very likely that there was a crime being committed. People would react in a different way; they would be far more reactive to a situation where an alarm is going off, whereas now alarms are generally ignored. In a lot of cases where a thief breaks in to a house or a car and the alarm goes off the thief would often completely ignore the alarm because they know that nobody is likely to call the authorities. Did you ever find peoples first reaction when they hear an alarm is one of annoyance rather than of helping nature? I know that no matter what there will always be a section of society that would never react to any alarm however if the functionality of alarms could be improved to make them more accurate, I believe one would get a better reaction.
Car alarms are getting more sophisticated as technology advances but are they more effective? Do you know of any car that is unbreakable? Because car alarms are now built in to a car at design stage it should be able to do more than just sound an alarm. If it was the case that the engine shut down if the alarm went off imagine how effective this could be. At a minimum these days alarm systems are an integral part of any car design and are often integrated with the cars computer system and maybe even the ignition system. This being the case it is a wonder that car alarms are not more effective?
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